View from the Oche

8 Mar

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View from the Oche

Posted by on March 8, 2016 in Announcements | 0 comments



This week we review Week 2 matches , feature an interesting Who are Ya? with Welsh Neil from The Tavern team, Pikey Pete’s Predictions and have another venue review with guest reviewer Drama, from Black Magic.


Division 1

Toros against Mabuhay and Pikey Pete got this one all wrong when he really underestimated the Toros team, who emerged from this fixture with a well-earned draw. Mabuhay were missing their Korean wonder boy for the match and lost some crucial matchups. It was fairly nip and tuck through the whole evening but no-one can deny that Toros deserved to snatch the final team game to get a share of the spoils. Marc was particularly strong for the home side, with a great win over the highly fancied Adrian. He helped himself to six tons and four checks, a feat similarly achieved by team mate Cris. For Mabuhay, Zarggie was on fire with a brilliant 12 tons and while Ben would be happy with three checks, he could not transfer that form into a Singles win.

As expected the match at Vinyl was a close affair that went right down to the team game in the search for a victor. A Rick check claimed victory on the night for the home team. A night of high quality was on show ,with some impressive stats for both teams.  For Those Guys ,Bunch of Bangers had one of his best nights of darts for a while ,with six tons and three checks ,including a comfortable Singles win. Odilicious kept up his good Singles form and a very useful 112 High Finish. For Vinyl , Rick once again showed he has settled back in to Div 1 life ,with 7 tons , though will be disappointed with his Singles loss. Huck showed some early promise in the doubles ,only to see lady luck desert him in the Singles and Lee was just having a night off to sort through his handbag at the bar ,with Bob’s help.

The Tavern claimed their first victory of the season with a narrow 7-5 win over Charmed Assassins. A late surge of form , saw them win the last four games to get a very hard fought three points. Patrick and Jeff had given the Assassins some hope ,but no-one else could perform in the Singles as the team returned from Phu My Hung pointless and dejected.Although losing narrowly in the Singles ,Rab scored well ,with a return of seven tons and Karl had a successful night with four checks and three tons. For the Assassins not a great night on the tons scoreboard ,with no-one getting over two but a useful four checks from Jeff. They look onward to next week’s game and hope for a change in their fortunes.

In the final match it was good to see Pinoy Patriots get out a full side this week , though it wasn’t going to be their night as they went down 8-4 to Ice Blue. They were still well in the game after the triples and doubles but four straight loses in the Singles condemned them to yet another miserable night. Ryan and Leo gave the scoreline some respectability with two late wins, though they are really missing last seasons top performers Jeorge and Mike ,who have yet to make an appearance. Most of the team made some contribution but scoring tons was not on the agenda ,with no –one getting more than two. For Ice Blue ,Hung was the star of the show with a remarkable six checks to go alongside four tons and a high finish.


Division 2

Division 2, is at this stage, looking like a very competitive competition with three teams at the top separated by legs differential. After three draws last week we saw two more this week.

No Star Where once again will be a little disappointed as after racing into a 3-0 lead  they were pegged back to 3-3. They then rallied in the Singles, only to lose the team game against the Rottens and have to settle for a point. A pretty fair result though as both teams finished with 13 legs a piece. Guppy continued to be the form player in the Division, with 6 tons and four checks, with most support coming from Y. For the home team nearly everyone made contributions with Rob W being the pick of the bunch with three tons and three checks.

The Phukkers are propping up the table after remaining pointless due to a narrow 7-5 loss to the Dirties. A highly entertaining game that the Dirties sealed before the end of the Singles.  A moment of near controversy in the Doubles ,when Gear checked a double fourteen ,not knowing that Jimish had decided to write the Dirties score on the board in Hieroglyphics and he should have been going for 29 not 28. The Dirties benefitted from claiming both Triples early on and getting the better of the scores in the Singles. Davison topped the stats for them with five tons and four checks, with other major contributors being Dixie, Devo and Pato. For the luckless Phukkers, Geordie helped himself to five tons and four checks, with Jimish supporting him with four checks and three tons. It is early in the season but the Phukkers are going to need to step it up if they are not once again going to be embroiled in a relegation struggle.

Probably the most surprising score line of night came at Shrine, where BnB dispatched Madhouse 10 -2. A win for BnB was maybe slightly predictable but the margin of the win not. A couple of narrow losses in the doubles and a bad start in the Singles meant that Madhouse were staring at defeat early in the night.  They did finish on a high claiming the team game through a Philip check but it was far too late by then. For BnB it was a great team performance, with Jayar being the most impressive with four tons and three checks. Their domination of the Singles shows that they have a squad that will challenge most others in the League and maybe, just maybe, they are the favourites to take the title.

The Bounced Checks continued their fine form claiming a fine point from their game with Alayah, though it took a team game win to snatch the point. Once again it was a team effort with most players making useful contributions. Ryan scored well, with five tons and Johnny claimed his second Singles victory of the season  with a convincing win over the dangerous Mr Z. For Alayah, Willy looks back to his old form and his three checks and three tons were significant contributions to his team’s efforts. Tommy San and Phuong will be equally satisfied with their darts night.

Division 3

Well Pikey did say the Nomads would find a little more difficult this week ,up against Buddha Bar , and so it proved ,though they were never in any real trouble and came out with pretty comfortable 8-4 win ,after taking the first five games. John ,Tun and Adam put up some good resistance, all winning their Singles but it was too late by then. Glyn will wonder how he scored seven tons and a 138 high check for Nomads and still only got two checks to show for it. Logan was another who scored well but still managed to lose his Singles.

Projectile Dysfunction are still taking their time to aclimatise to Saigon competitive darts as Black Magic used all their experience and guile to give the new boys another bloody nose ,with a 9-3 win. It had all started so brightly for the team from Pitchers as they won the first two triples , but after that, the only ray of light was an Adam win in the Singles . A dominant Singles performance for Black Magic saw them claim victory early on ,though a few of those wins had to go to a third leg. Old campaigner Tin Tin scored well with four tons, but the overall team performance was what clinched it them ,with all the squad making useful contributions.

BAZ eventually decided to join the party and picked up a 8-4 win over  fellow new team Dailo’s, who fell to their second defeat in a row. For Baz ,Donald was back to his old fighting form ,with six tons and Matt shone through with 4 checks. Suprisingly Alan is finding life a little hard with his new team ,though his class should come to the fore before much longer. For poor Dailo’s, Sang showed he could be a useful player and he was given admirably support from Soso and Ryn.

In the final match Bernies continued their fine start to the season with an 8-4 win over the Pricks, who once again found the home comforts of the Emergency Room, gave them little advantage. Bernies dominated the Singles to take the game, with only Tripps claiming a victory against them. As with Projectile Dysfunction ,it had started so well with two triples wins for the home side but then they collapsed like a Premiership footballer on the end of a flick of a finger. Top performers for the home team ,being Dart Vader and Tripps. For the winning side a great all round team performance with five players getting three checks each. Thanh Tiger and Yuki helping themselves to three tons as well.




Neil De Claire – The Tavern

This week we talk to Neil , a long time resident of Saigon and well known chef at various places over the years. He currently turns out for The Tavern but has played for quite a few teams in his time.



1. Neil you are quite a well-known figure around town, having worked in a few of the city’s watering holes. Tell us why you arrived in SE Asia and give us a brief outline of your time here.

I arrived in S.East Asia after working a summer season in Corfu 1999. Where I met a brilliant British chef Nick Medhurst who had been working all over S.East Asia for 15 years. I returned to Wales after the season and out of the blue Nick called and asked me to join his Vietnamese wife and himself in Phnom Penh. So that was it I packed my bags and jumped on a plane. After a very hard 10 months I arrived in Vietnam, where I started work at Chu bar on Dong Khoi Street. Probably the smallest kitchen I’ve ever worked and the strangest mix of clientele from the much loved Trinh Cong Son and other top Vietnamese musicians to wealthy Vietnamese, Viet Kieu and Expats. Next I joined Mogambo’s and the one and only LANI. Then a short spell at The Wild Horse steakhouse before moving to the famous Sailing Club in Nha Trang for a couple of years. Ireturned to Saigon to work at the original Aussie sports bar CAFE LATIN and the wild Mr Keith. Then it was on to the Irish bar Sheridan’s for a few years followed by a brief spell at the Paintball in district 2 and now currently @ The Tavern in Phu My Hung. It’s been a pleasure to work and meet so manydifferent people from all walks of life and nationalities. There are so many
stories and great memories

2. What about your darting history here and before your arrival?

I never played much darts before coming to Vietnam. It was whilst I was working at the Aussie sports bar Cafe Latin in 2007 that the expat team the Latin Lovers asked me to play. Enjoyed a few memorable seasons with a great bunch of guys. I had a few years off until I joined my current team the Tavern in 2013 where it seems to be compulsory for the manager to play.

3. Are you passionate about anything else other than darts and the perfect sausage roll?

I’m passionate about my wonderful wife and my 2 daughters. Also, being a Welshman Rugby has to be included. For those of you that have met my father (Bryan) over the years I’m very passionate about trying to get him to keep his T shirt on while he walks around the streets of HCMC during the day.

4. The Tavern have quite a small playing squad .Give the low down on the team attitude and the characters that make up your squad.

The Tavern team has come a long way in the last few seasons, from Div 3 to D1 and managed to avoid relegation last season and I feel that a lot of credit should go to Karl for keeping the team together over the last few years.The Tavern’s small squad of merry men as withany other team obviously we want to win. At the end of the day win or lose we hope sportsmanship and a good time was had by all. Our new Captain Dan is the level headed gentleman of the team, a good, solid and reliable plplayer. Vice Captain Kyle, is the baby of the team and a gentle giant, our most improved player of the previous season, don’t make him shotgun a beer as he wont miss a check all night

Rab (Robert) the terrier of theteam with a tenacious will to win. The stress of his busy working schedule can sometimes affect his darts and is now participating in meditation classes. On his day one of the best players in the league. Rab was our captain last season and the driving force behind us NOT being relegated. Karl is the longest serving member of the team and former Captain for many seasons. A quiet, affectionate character with a huge passion for the win. Can lose his mojo and things can fall apart. Affectionately known by his team as The Wolf at The Top Of The Hill. Can compete with the best. Joel is a jovial chap. Returning to the team after missing most of last season due to studies. He’s not quite back to his best, as soon as he remembers to eat the mum’s meat pie just before playing everyone watch out.

5. Favourite finish?

My favourite finish is anything that wins

6.Being in charge of the Tavern you have to remain a pillar of sobriety all the time but when you do partake on the occasional Tuesday,what’s your tipple of choice?

Being a pillar of sobriety is easier said than done. I’ve been drinking beer Larue for the last 10 years. If not available usually Tiger. The odd shot of jager or sambucca might sneak in.

7. Favourite darts venue in town that you have played in either past or present.

The old Aussie sports bar Cafe Latin had a good private area for darts. Game On, The Tavern and Red bar

8. Best darting memory

Whilst sober absolutely none. The night Rab checked the team game to get us promoted to division 2, the following team pile on, meant poor Rab was unconscious for a few moments. Only Tavern players will get this one, The Camel
Toe night, I had so many tears in my eyes i couldn’t see the board.

9. Welsh rarebit or cheese on toast?

Welsh rarebit of course. For convenience cheese on toast is always agreat substitute.

10.Favourite opponents

The former Underground Team, featuring Michael Keung, Tom Cummins and  Thierry the chef. Always a great night and the darts would end up in 2nd place. Udder Team great rivalry and fun. Mabuhay always a pleasure to play against one of the best teams in the league.

11. What can piss you off during a night of darts on Tuesday?

Venues that unfortunately have access to the toilets right where your playing darts. Traveling to a venue during the wet season.


A short version for Pikey this week as he has been stuck on Thunderbird and Tennants Super Strength all weekend. He had his usual mixed bag of results last week, a couple spot on and couple waaaay off!!


So to this week.

Division 1

Mabuhay will be looking to get back on the winning trail after a tough draw against Toros last week. They return to home turf at Phattys, but will need to be wary of Ice Blue ,who have started the season well. Will The Black Pelican return?

Pikey is going for a home win 8-4.

Those Guys will be smarting after losing the epic battle against final last week. Again I think home advantage will be critical here against a Tavern team who got back to winning ways last week .

Tavern will give them a battle but Pikey sees another 8-4 home win.

Other games

Charmed Assassins 3 v Vinyls 9

Pinoy Patriots 5 v Toros 7


Division 2

Madhouse and Phattys have competition history going back many seasons and they will meet once again at Game On. Traditionally tight games it is a tough one to call. Phukkers players are inconsistent as hell and if they perform like the last two weeks they will get turned over again.

As Pikey has soft spot for the Phukkers he is giving them the benefit of the doubt and saying a 6-6. But don’t put your caravan on it!

The Dirties picked up a useful win last week but it could be a harder game this week against a BnB side in form . Gear and his troops will need to be firing again this week.

Pikey sees an away win here ,though it could be tight ,so a 7-5 victory to BnB.

Other Games

Really Rottens 7  V Alayah 5

Bounced Cheques 6 V  NSW 6

Division 3

Dailo’s and Projectiles prop up the table and are both pointless and struggling to impose themselves on games. Well something has to change tonight. Hard one to call.

Pikey going for a 6-6 draw. Hard to separate these two.

Other Games

Buddha 7 v Patient Pricks 5

Black Magic 5 v BAZ 7

Bernies 3 v Nomads 9


Venue Review – Pitchers Bar and Grill

Review by Drama, Black Magic


This week’s venue review was kindly supplied by Mr Paul Frazer ,otherwise known as Drama. His team visited one of the new venues in the league ,Pitchers Bar and Grill.


Only a short 11-hour drive from District 1, Pitchers Sports & Grill, owned and run by Aussie Adam (ex Boomerang), is a great new addition to the Saigon pub and darts scene.

It’s quite a large space, and open air too, with plenty of tables and places to sit. As it is open air, it can warm up a bit, but not too bad. They’ve only been operational about 6 months, but they’ve got a nice little set up, and a few regulars already. If you’re out D7 way, and looking for a spot for a cold beer, this will do you nicely.

Darts Area: Two good boards, with the both scoreboards next to the boards. The right board is on the wall running perpendicular to the board wall, and the scorer was a little too close to the playing area and in the darters sight. Still, a nice playing area, and with the addition of extra lighting above the boards, will get even better. – 7/10

Service: Good. Quick, friendly, and efficient. No dramas with the bills at the end. – 9/10

Snacks: A few very tasty thin crust pizzas. They’ve also got a nice menu if you’re in the mood for some bar snacks and pub grub. – 8/10

Drinks selection: Excellent. Choice of 6 beers on draught, wine and spirit list good. Although, no Tiger draught if you’re so inclined. If you’re not, you’ll be well served. My ice cold Sapporo draughts went down a treat. – 8.5/10

Smoking or Non Smoking: Inside smoking after 9 pm, otherwise, outside smoking, with sand drum ashtrays.

Atmosphere: A few other people around, but the darts teams supplied the action. Good music, and plenty of TVs with plenty of sports. The Saigon Heat also pop in after their practices. It was a treat for them to witness some real athletes in action. 7.5/10


Toilets: Downstairs. Clean, but no wash clothes or hand towels, just a hand dryer.


Overall: A great new spot, which I think teams will be very comfortable playing at. A few tweaks here and there, and it will get even better. 8/10



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