View From The Oche

24 Sep


A shortened version this week as I have been busy preparing for the arrival of four English School Inspectors!!!!!!  We have some match reports from Div 1 and 2 ,a round up of Divison stats, some news and a Captain’s Report left over from last week. No Who are Ya? this week.

Division 1

Mabuhay v Buhay Na Buhay

So these two Filipino teams met for the first time in the league this season and it ended up a rather one sided affair to say the least with the Champs getting a 11-1 win. I would have predicted a slightly closer outcome in all honesty but I guess with National pride at stake ,Mabuhay were taking no chances. Buhay Na Buhay started so well too ,taking the first triples but after that it all went downhill fast, though two of the Doubles and four of the Singles went to 2-1 and judging by the amount of tons the losers scored they actually played some pretty good darts but couldn’t or didn’t get the chance to check. For Buhay ,Sam lead the way in tons with four, with six of his team mates also getting on the tons board. Dan and Roden managed to get two checks each. For Mabuhay Jun and Adrian got six tons each but were beaten by one by Jonel with seven.  In checks  Jonel also led the way with four.


Familiar faces lead the tons race in Division One ,with Jonel [ Mabuhay] in the lead at the moment with 42 , closely followed by team mate Jun on 38.In checks, things are a little closer with Adrian [Mabuhay] , Xu [ Team Viet] and Big pete [ Those Guys] topping the table with 21 checks and Jonel and Jun both from Mabuhay, one behind them. Dung from Team Viet has the highest checkout so far with 134.

Division 2

Dirty Harrys v Phatty Phukkers

Well Gypsy Pat had this down for a certain home banker, so we should have known that was never going to happen. What actually occurred was a tense night of darts, where the Phukkers just edged it. The game score of 7-5 and 13 legs a piece says it all really. The Phukkers  were notorious over the last two seasons for never getting a triples match but so far this season have won 10 out of 12  and two wins tonight and managing to get at least one doubles win ,which have been rarer than a loving email sent between Chairman Lee and the female owner of Charm bar, saw the Phukkers lead 3-2 going into the Singles. The Dirty’s Dan must have wondering what he had done to upset the darting gods as after a extremely frustrating doubles loss with Luke ,he fell 2-1 to the returning Ben . How he managed to lose the match we will never know but Ben was certainly happy with his win. Phukkers took the next Singles and looked poised for their first win since the opening night. However The  Dirty’s fought back admirably to take the next three Singles and level up the match 5-5. A tense last Singles went the way of the Phukkers ,with a 2-1 win for Jimish over David. Thuy who had fallen all too easily to Luke in the Singles ,had the last laugh of the night getting the team game check and ensuring the Phukkers moved out of the bottom two for the first time in weeks.For the Phukkers Jamie topped the tons charts with five and Jimish the checking with four. For The Dirty’s, David and Simon got three tons each and Ryan was top checker with four Harry Casuals made a good impression on me and the long walk up the stairs is definitely worthwhile.

Black Magic v Madhouse

Well Black Magic woes continue and I am sure Rob1 is on the phone daily to Tin Tin, who is on his Nordic pilgrimage trying to find out when he is returning. It was a very different game for BM this week. After two weeks when all was doom and gloom early on for them they actually looked poised to take out Madhouse early on and held an impressive 5-1 lead after The Monk claimed victory over Luke in the first Singles.However Madhouse then went on to take control and win the rest of the Singles and the crucial team game –it just wasn’t Black Magic’s night. Not even their Captain could get that vital Singles win falling 2-1 to Keith. Given BM’s team game record this season it would have taken a miracle for them to claim the game and snatch a draw and it was Zach who put the nail firmly in the coffin. The defeat took Madhouse into a very comfortable position in third and not far behind the leading two. For Black Magic they sank into the bottom two and their lowest position of the season. For Madhouse, Zach was the outstanding performer with six tons and three checks. For Black Magic, Rob1 and The Monk shared the tons top position with three each and The Monk who could have done no more got four checks.

Baan Thai v The Nomads

Baan Thai would have feared the worst against one of the strongest teams in the league and especially so as it seems they were missing their top performer Rey and having to field two new players. The game went to form with a 10 -2 victory for the team from Chilli. In all honesty it was all over too quickly, with only a doubles and team game victory the positives for Baan Thai. Trang’s victory in the third Singles clinched the victory for Nomads and all the team had solid nights. They will look forward to the second half now they top the table ,especially as they have reinforced their small squad with the arrival Brett from the now defunct Buccaneers. Baan Thai though find themselves three points adrift at the bottom of the table after the Phukkers victory. For Baan Thai one of their new players had quite a good debut ,with three tons and a couple of checks and Jeff also got three tons.For Nomads not as many tons as usual with the likely lads of Chad,Jeff and Glyn getting three each and Glyn got five checks.


Zach from Madhouse has a bit of a lead in tons raced ,on 29 and 5 ahead of his nearest challengers, Chad [Nomads] and Rey [Baan Thai]. The Nomads dominate the checks with Glyn and Chad sharing top place with 20 ,closely followed by team mate Jeff and Dan from Dirty Harrys on 18.

Division 3


Comfortably in the lead regarding tons is Jeorge from Lindo Patriots with 31 ,his nearest challenger being Oanh from ACDC ,with 24. Donald from The Prixx narrowly leads the checks chart with 20 ,only one ahead of a clutch of players on 19 ,Oanh again ,Scotty from Buddha and his team mate Warren. The highest finsih is 105 ,currently held by Warren from The Prixx.

Division 4


Brendan from Tavern ,with 13, heads the tons charts, with Thanh Tiger [Bernies] and Karl [Tavern] on 12. The checks table is very close with five players sharing the lead on 13 checks they are Leo [G-Force] , Kalvin [Bernies], Cathal [Udder], Thanh Tiger [Bernies] and Michael [G-Force].THe highest checkout on this Divison belongs to Henry [G-Force] with 96 and indeed he doesn’t have any competion yet in this area -come Division 4 get them high checkouts second half.

Captains Report


Division 1


Hi Jimish,

Sorry for late respond, below with our team report as per your request, thanks for all your effort on weekly darts blog, cheers…

The season has started out fairly well for Really Rottens. Having played only 2 home games and 4 away games – we (dare i say) are looking to be vaguely in control of our destiny.

After the inevitable away loss to Mabuhay Allstars, we re-grouped, grew a pair and went on to beat Ice Blue in Ice Blue – something we have not done for a long time. Buoyed by this, we have had great team camaradery, and managed to pull off some close, but extremely satisfying performances on the night. Star players: It has got to be said that our best improved player would also be our star player. Mr Hung, who has shown up for every sporadic practice, won a singles game, has improved with leaps and bounds. Tom has been a lot more consistent with his checking, and as always Guppy – who has faced some tough opponents, has been there come hell or high water. 2nd Half Rottens prediction: More of the same! We are hoping to have a few Rottens back into action that have been absent. Hopefully Matt too, who might make it back to Vietnam for the last few games of the season. We also signed some new members in the transfer market at the beginning of the season, who are proving to be great value.

News and Gossip


Well this week we saw the demise of another team from The Sidl ,with Brett calling time on the short lived life of The Buccaneers. Getting enough players [even all the Sheridans old players] on a Tuesday night was proving too much. I had a quick look on the website and it seems players who are registered for his team are actually playing for another team -so he was struggling early on. He himself is going to join up with The Nomads ,strenghtening an already well performing team in Division Two. Others from the team are joining Ice Blue ,who will be grateful for the extras after having an uncertain future themselves due to player numbers. Rick informs me that Mario,Phuong and Matt are joining the ranks of Ice Blue -whether they will be allowed to field them in the cup semis this week is uncertain.

So we are back down to 26 teams and maybe we don’t have the numbers to support four divisions -a few other teams are often fielding New Players on a weekly basis. The committee will no doubt need to look at this before seasons end as it may have a bearing on Promotion and Relegation like last season.

Cup Semis

Well after a bit of argy bargy over where they will be played ,we see the long awaited Cup Semis on Tuesday night. If Ice Blue can field their new players I am going for a Ice Blue win over Team Viet and in the other match it is hard to look beyond a comfortable win for Mabuhay over Those Guys.So I have slightly different opinions on the results to our resisdent predictor Gypsy Pat below!

Gypsy Pat’s Predictions


Well last week Gypsy Pat had a mixed bag once again in regard to his fortune telling.He got none of scores exactly right [including the Phukkers thankfully] and picked up only two correct results.

Pat’s Predictions last week and actually result in brackets.

Div 1   Mabuhay 8  v   Buhay Na Buhay 4   [ 11-1]

Div 2  Dirty harrys 9  v Phattys Phukkers 3  [ 5-7]

Div 3  NSW 7   v Charmed Assassins 5  [5-7]

Div 4 Boston 1   v G-Force 11 [3-9]

Here are his predictions for the cup semis on Tuesday

Team Viet v Ice Blue
TV sit 3rd in the division whilst IB are 5th, looking at the stats, you could predict am easy win for TV, as when these two met in the league TV came out 8-4 winners, however, with a place in the final at stake, i’m sure IB will step up, I think its going to be a tight game, but I think TV will edge the win: Team Viet 7-5 Ice Blue.
Mabuhay v Those guys
Mabuhay sit atop D1 unbeaten, Those Guys have yet to find a win, you would think its going to be a stroll in the park for Mabuhay, but when they met in the league, Mabuhay scraped home 7-5, again this is going to be a tight game, again I think Mabuhay will scrape home: Mabuhay 7-5 Those guys.
Good luck to all teams tonight, my predictions should be renamed GypsyPats Pathetic Predictions, have fun guys, good arrows

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