Archive | December, 2012

And that’s a wrap!

5 Dec


So we can finally put our feet up and relax after the darts season finally came to an end and players can have a well-deserved rest [well there is the small matter of the End of Year party and probably a quite interesting AGM- but we will leave that to the committee to sort eh!] .

Last night at Red and Ice Blue we saw the finals of the Singles competitions.

Speaking personally I went out to Mike from NSW, in the first round of matches, losing 3-2, early in the evening. A match that went back and forth and was probably the finest example of inconsistent darts you’d ever see. Mike deserved his win and it went down to both of us shooting for a double to claim the match so I cannot have too many complaints. He had started the whole match though with two ton plus scores with his first six darts –so I guess a 3-2 loss wasn’t too bad. A bit early in the night for me if I am honest, like me playing triples and we know how good I and LLB are at that. I have asked Lee if we can start at 8 30pm next year as my alcohol intake will be just right to play then –he said no the bugger! Mike went on to beat Allan from Buhay but lost to eventual winner Logan in the semis. Dave R who had also made it through from the same qualifiers last week fell at the first hurdle against Peter from the Prixx.

Division Two was won by Logan and the runner up was Brownie from our own LLB. Brownie played some extraordinary darts but of course was very reserved about it! His new tactic of aiming for the area around triple 11/14 worked a treat and unnerved his opponents, especially Matt K in the first round. The strange thing was this final would never have happened if Brian had not gone off to Cambodia, as Logan and Peter were due to face each other in the first round. Well done to both.

The Division 1 title went to a very,very eager Jesse from Ice Blue, after favourite Rick fell in the semis to team mate Zach [where did you disappear too afterwards Rick?]. Matt from Sheridans was a very worthy runner up. My tip for the title, Tom from the Rottens, went out early, so thank god I had no money on him.

At this time of writing I have no idea who won Division 3 as I had to leave before the final but it seemed to be a very interesting competition on the second floor of Red. Some of the likely suspects were all still involved from what I saw.

The ladies title was played out in Ice Blue, where Pam made as quick an exit from the competition as me, and Nhung won the title.

A great night which was very well organized – thanks especially to Brett for moving things along. Great support too from those players not involved and good to catch up with guys we’d played against in the season.

Well done to my fellow Borrachos for making it this far and of course to Brownie for bringing a bit of silverware [or cheap plastic] to our team.

This blog may have a few updates in coming months, with a few friendlies in the off season and our own End of Season Lucy function but I hope it has made some interesting reading and I haven’t pissed anyone off?! The blog has had over 10,000 hits so somebody is reading it ,not just the LLB’s and thanks for the positive comments from some people when I see them.

A lot of stuff and discussions on theSIDL Facebook page at the moment and I am sure this will continue in the off season. I am off to buy some nice shoes and shirts to wear next season as per PDC rules,  and put together my 6 page resume for the position of Grand Presidente , Supreme Commander and Chief Bottle Washer  of the SIDL, at the AGM – only kidding Kris! Gossip last night that Da Vincis may be splitting and that may have repercussions about who goes up next year and where some very good quality players may  end up on other teams. Kevin from the Prixx looked chuffed at possibility of going up to Division 1, especially as it looks like they have lost Bourne. Interesting times ahead!

Festive greeting to you all and see you in February when things all start again.
